We can help to support your mental health and wellbeing using the Daylio App, Whatsapp Messaging and Silvercloud. 

Support to suit you, on the move:

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Support partners

Support partners

Working with ICAN and the Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board, we have worked to bring you flexible online and mobile support that can be accessed when and where ever you need it.

Daylio App

This mood-tracker and micro diary app let’s you keep a free, private diary and capture your day without writing down a single line. Pick your mood and add activities you have been doing during the day.

Entry takes just seconds but could help you track your wellbeing quickly and easily. You’ll quickly discover hidden patterns and maybe use Daylio to create some useful habits like running, eating more healthy or waking up earlier.

Find out more and download the app here:



Silvercloud therapy

Silvercloud is the leading mental and behavioural health online platform. The Service delivers proven support with 30+ PROGRAMMES across the spectrum of mental health.

Once registered with us, we can give you access to this online therapy and support service, offering practical self-help and engagement to get you back on track.

We can help to guide you through using the service, to ensure you get the best results.


WhatsApp Messaging support

Sometimes a helpful voice is all you need when you want to reach out. Our dedicated Whatsapp messaging service is available any time you need help, advice, or just someone to chat to.